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July 28, 2006


The power to create.
The power to destroy.
The power to leave well alone.

It's nice to have power. Even nicer to control it. But power in the wrong hands will always be dangerous. Especially when all our lives intertwine so much.

Currently I live by the power to create and the power to leave well alone.

The power to destroy calls to me constantly. Maybe one day I will heed its call. Till then I will just remain sane and pretend to be good. Pretend till the shit hits the fan.

Was walking around today and realised how many fat people there were. I reckon obesity is fast engulfing the world. Both genders are guilty of course. I blame it on the food. And pure laziness. Or maybe even stupidity in not realising how obesity would get them killed quicker. Oh well, to each his own.

A friend of mine and I were having a debate about 'fat sluts' and their agendas. Do women have an equivalent term for guys? I wonder. Anyway, we were talking about how they threw themselves at guys. I mean, even if that's the only way they can get some, should they be doing it? Oh well, to each his own.

And as the angel left her side, he waved goodbye one last time. He wasn't going to be part of this anymore. The devil smiled. One more ticket to hell. One-way.


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