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April 02, 2006

Birthday #Part 2

Well well well, here is the much awaited part 2 which will be heavily encrypted to protect the identities of those involved and their activities. Ah yes, where were we? After brewerkz we went down to *******. Not much fun is it? Well if you'd been paying attention you'd know where it was. We were lugging bags of alcohol, soft drinks and other stuff. Having already checked out this particular bar on the net, I decided to go to ****** bar. What a letdown! Don't trust the internet Solomon. Even if it says your IQ is 2 million and you are the center of the universe, nothing else is true Solomon. Because when a place that calls itself ****** bar and has only one ugly scarecrow of a girl in a bikini, it is a scam. "Solomon, that's mean", a certain frowning hands-on-her-hips Elise would say.

Anyway, we went to *** next to salvage the situation. I would like to mention names but I am going to be nice for a change (Karma +1). We were just, you know, the usual, drinking alcohol, talking cock, making fun of each other, killing whales and the like.

Ok, I'm tired.

To make a long story short, 5 saints remained after some left, we burned a ****, we skinnydipped, dickslapped someone (Male, Female? Wouldnt you like to know!), did some offroading on sand and stole some beach ******. It was the most fun I'd ever had! Thank you band of brothers!

P.S. I am excited! There is activity in my tagboard!

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