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May 29, 2006

You give lust a bad name

I'd like to thank everyone around me who has stayed true and loyal to me, friends or otherwise. I shouldn't have to mention names cos you should know who you are, and if you're unsure you're probably not one of them. Even though I'm still a struggling student with little to my name, people who truly know me, know what I'm capable of. And I sure as hell am going to fulfill these expectations I have of myself. On that topic, I also know about those who were just in the shadows, pretending to care, thinking that I'd amount to nothing. I know who you are. The truth hurts though. Especially for one of these people. I thought she'd be the one who'd always support me unconditionally, but I've realised she's incapable of unconditional anything.

Talking to someone the other day, and giving advice like I always do, I told her not to stand for unreciprocrated love. In this day and age, something like that just tears you apart. So just let it go. The boyfriend/girlfriend will get their just desserts. Karma works in miraculous ways. Trust me, I know.

Career-wise it's looking quite exciting. I'm looking at opportunities in mainly dubai, australia and vietnam. Not in any particular order of course. Now let's see: been to canada, most south asian countries and australia. I wanna see the rest of the world. So it's a toss-up between doing honours, masters, etc and starting work and travelling. I prefer the latter. Now that I already know the kind of woman I want and need, countries and distances no longer have any bearing on my future. The world isn't that big. Distance can't destroy true love, only if it's true love though.

Places I'd realistically be able to travel to within the next 3 years: Australia, New Zealand, UK and Dubai.

Places I want to go to: Brazil, France, Italy and Hawaii. (Of which brazil is the most desirable)

Nothing's better than travelling with loved ones, so if anyone's itching for travelling, let me know ;)

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